It's also possible that they've corrected this is the most current version, I'm still using 9 Pro (had this issue in v8 also, current is v11 Pro). Only an IT administrator or helpdesk tech would ever even be aware of such an issue and a home user will likely never run into this. If you do the math on the number of PDFs being opened and worked on every day you would end up with an error rate of something absurd like. Having said that, I will tell you that I have run Nitro in my environment for more than 100 users for the last five+ years and would see someone have this problem maybe once a month.
When you redact information in a PDF using an editor, it creates two separate files: the original and a redacted. No need to restart the machine or anything, just need to kill those processes one way or another. Redaction removal from the original PDF file. The fix is to either manually kill all the processes or just have the user log out and log back in (which does the same thing). If you run into this and go look at running processes you'll see an instance of the Nitro process running for every time you tried to open a PDF after it got hung up. Well, in actuality another instance of the Nitro process launches, but the user visually sees nothing. You won't get an error or anything, but you'll double click the file and simply (seemingly) nothing happens. The next time you attempt to open a PDF, nothing will happen. Sometimes when closing a PDF the Nitro process will get hung. The only con is a fairly minor one, is a bit of a technical issue, and the only reason I gave overall quality four stars.

it's very easy to learn and use, it has a very user friendly interface that you will find very similar to other programs. Part of my job requires reading and editing reports and other files in PDF formats extensively among many other things, I used to try many different PDF processors either paid or free but each of them had its fair share of issues that i couldn't live with, until i switched to Nitro pdf which is now by far my favorite goto pdf reader and processor,since then i never looked back, it made my life easier and increased my productivity, it excels large and by far in performance department, it's very light and doesn't consume too much of your machine resources which mean it can work easily with any machine without the need for any certain requirements, it's very efficient when it comes to multitasking and has a very nice feature of batch processing where it can process multiple files at the same time easily and quickly, it's packed with tons of features that you could use to edit your pdf, it's compatible with other programs and can export your files to other formats so it can work flawlessly with them with no problem.